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购物英语 英语普及贴

Flyfish14714 发表于 2010-3-19 08:49:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A: Could you tell me how much it is?" F0 c5 y# b, F6 l) \7 n
(您能告诉我这个的价格是多少吗?)6 I! X5 Q* v( R2 P, D) A
B: In the neighbourhoud of $ 500.
$ n+ d& I6 c* n" p1 D5 g(500美元左右。)# }1 L$ \0 S7 J9 a3 O5 V
A: That’s way too much money.: [+ F9 Y5 I2 Z5 @/ X6 X' _7 |$ _  ^) l
5 Q% o9 p8 H3 cB: We can make dow by model.* n: d" S7 S3 L1 C6 p* f2 V+ @& _9 L
(我们可以根据型号给予优惠。)3 ]+ {# i2 j7 v4 E% ~$ [
A: We have to ask for another price reduction.4 y, Y2 S& T/ B* |- D
: p6 X. g* G2 h9 _9 N, kB: You can fourget about another cut.) d) b( Y7 y6 S3 A1 N
(不能再降价了。)3 ~3 `% D% a# \

, E% j4 U7 }4 e; e' AA: How much are you asking for this?
) F% b9 l9 j8 P& n: B7 k(这个多少钱?)9 i2 L) g, q% T( M: ?$ t* _' z$ F
B: I’m offering them to you at 10 Euro a piece. Is that all right?0 D! a2 _. X7 Q( P% c; N- @
2 W& Q( C+ A- h9 mA: Is tax already included in ther price?
! ?+ h2 n& P: j(这个价位含税吗?)
' O6 I) _* C9 ]$ |; s8 e$ X0 @B: Yes. Our price can’t be matched.
" z" k) J4 J! e- `1 D(是的。我们的价格无人可比。); l/ S) N# T5 U- d# a4 `3 c- `
A: Would you consider a volume discount?0 U3 A9 s+ d. F+ }$ \: [- e8 n6 d
(批量购进可以再优惠吗?)$ e6 T7 K4 V7 M1 ?! Q
B: If you buy 1000 or more, you’ll get a 10% discount.8 h( m2 ?7 q/ m8 p
4 z  A+ c  Z, F/ y0 F- gA: I’ll accept your offer.
; M. n/ U- b6 I(好的,我接受。)4 G* ]) `& o7 Z3 b0 ?
" C1 g: Q3 N: O/ s, a' ^8 J

5 C, M% o7 v, O, B$ g+ r3 T& R2 [# H7 h! I7 N

) u3 T7 E0 v' o* v新概念英语第一册走遍美国,每天学英语。
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